Page 139 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 139

Jakarta)  Library,  and  Malang  Institute  of  Teacher  Training  and  Educational

           Science  (now  Malang  State  University)  Library.
                To  facilitate  the  work  of  library  networking,  UKKP  developed   library

           automation  programs. Through  the  automation , data  processing  in  the  library was
           operated  using  computer.  UKKP  uses      automation  program  developed  by
           UNESCO,  called  CDS/ISIS.  This  program  was  developed  for  automation  of

           libraries  in  developing  countries  so  that  the  program  could  be  used  for  free  and
           could  be  developed  as  needed.  UKKP  conducted  training  for  the  library  staff  of

           state  higher  education  institutions  to  become  system  managers  for  library
           automation .  Apart  from  giving  software  and  staff  training,  UKKP  also  provided
           hardware , such  as  computer  programmed  with  CDS/ISIS  and  facsimile  machine .
                With  the  provision of the  software  and  hardware,  all  libraries of state  higher

           education  institutions,  Pusyandi  or  its  members,  have  to  implement  library
           automation.   In  1994,  UT  library  cataloging  system  was  retyped  in  CDS/ISIS

           format.  Since  1995,  all  of  UT  library  catalogue  has  been  stored  in  the  data
           center.  With  the  development  of  LAN  network  at  UT,  in  1996  library  collections
           service can  be  accessed  by  LAN  (intranet) and  internet.

                In  1996, UKKP  activities  began  to  decrease, due  to  the  ending  of the  World
           Bank  project.   Several  libraries  started  thinking  about  how  to  maintain  the
           network.  Several  libraries  in  Central  and  East  Java  then  initiated  to  develop  a

           cooperation  forum  for  state  higher  education  institution  libraries,  called  Forum
           Kerjasama  Perpustakaan  Perguruan  Tinggi  Negeri  (FKP2TN)  or  Partnership
           Forum  for  State  Higher  Education  Institution  Library.  Because  of  a  technical

           problem,  the  membership  of  FKP2TN  was  limited  to  state  higher  education
           institution  libraries  located  on  the  island  of  Java.  Initially,  membership  of

           FKP2TN  was  limited  to  state  higher  education  institutions  under the  Department
           of  National  Education .  However,  because  of  the  demand  of  several  lAIN  (State
           Institute  of  Islamic  Studies)  libraries,  the  membership  was  extended  to  include

           state  higher  education  institutions  within  the  Ministry  of  Religion ,  such  as  UIN
           (Islamic  State  University), PTAIN  (State  Higher  Education  of  Islamic Studies), or

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