Page 135 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 135

Universitas Terbuka  Library,

           from  Conventional to  Digital

           E FF E ND I  W A H YONO ,  HERWATI  DWI  UTAM I


                  The  presence  of  a  library  as  a  learning  source  in  an  educational
           institution  is  a  must.   UT  library  has  been  established  since  as  long  as  the

           establishment  of  UT  as  a distance  education  institution. At  the  beginning,  it was
           a part of Educational  Media  Production , Informatics, and  Data  Processing  Center.

           This  Center, based  on  the  Letter  of Decision  from  Minister of Education  Number
           04 70/0/1992  about  UT  Statute ,  was  then  developed  into  three  Centers ,  namely

           Computer  Center,  Multi  Media  Production  Center,  and  Library.  With  the  recent
           change  into  UT  new  structure  in  2005, the  name  of UT  library was  changed  again

           to  become  Library Service  Center called  Puslata  (Pusat Layanan  Pustaka).

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