Page 137 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 137

discussion  place.  Since  the  frequency  of  students'  attendance  at  that  time  was
            not significant, the  corner was  merged  with  the  reading  room  for other readers.


                 As  a  distance  education  institution,  UT  library  does  not  operate  by  itself.
            Networking  is  a  key  success  for  UT  library.  Therefore,  since  the  beginning ,  UT
           library  has  established  networking  with  other  state  higher  education  institutions

           all  over  Indonesia.  Consequently,  UT  students  can  have  access  to  the  library
           near  to  their places.  It  has  also  established  networking  with  the  national  library

           collections  in  regional  areas.
                 As  a state  higher education  institution  library, its  activities  have  referred  to
           library  programs  conducted  by  Directorate  General  of  Higher  Education.

           Therefore,  UT  library  was  involved  when  the  Directorate  General  of  Higher
           Education  worked  on  Project for Higher Education  Development funded  by foreign
           aids  in  1988.  One  of the  important  components  of the  Project  was  Coordinating

           Unit for  Library Activities (Unit Koordinasi Kegiatan  Perpustakaan  or  UKKP) . This
           Unit  has  been  established  as  government  effort  to  develop  a  library  network  for
           state  higher  education  institutions  in  Indonesia.  Through  the  network,  there  is

           possibility  to  jointly  use  the  state  higher education  institution  libraries,  and  then
           Pusat  Layanan  Disiplin  1/mu  (Pusyandi)  or  Centre  for  Scientific  Services  has

           been  established. Through  Pusyandi,  it was  expected  that  the  library  service  can
           be  optimized.   Students  from  different  higher  education  institutions  can  get
           similar  services  available  through  this  library  networking.  The  collection

           development  center  is  managed  in  accordance  with  Pusyandi  center.  Other
           higher  education  institution  libraries  can  use  the  collections  developed  by
           Pusyandi libraries.

                 There  were  eight  state  higher  education  institutions  to  be  developed  as
           Pusyandi, while  others were  expected  to  be  members  that can  use  the  collections

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