Page 132 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 132

The  Use of  Information  and

              Communication  Technology  in
              Information  Services  and  Academic


                   In  order  to  provide  better  services  to  the  students  and  along  with  the
              development  in  the  use  of  internet  in  Indonesia,  UT  has  established  various

              kinds  of  information  and  academic  administration  services  through  UT  website.
             These  services  include  online  registration ,  examination  mark  announcement,

              Student Academic  Progress  Report  (LKAM),  and  online  examination . Additionally,
              UT  provides  Interactive  Voice  Response  (IVR)  and  short  message  system  (SMS)

             services.  The  IVR  service  is  an  interactive  telephone  service  for  many  kinds  of
             information,  i.e. , exam ination  marks , schedules , etc. The  information  service  via

             SMS  is  a service  from  which  the  students  can  get  information  by  sending  SMS  to
             the  calling  number  6736  (for  Mentari  and  Matrix  card  users)  and  to  calling

             number  3949  (for provider other than  lndosat) .  Today, this  SMS  service  is  being
             developed  into  transmitting  SMS  by  which  UT  can  automatically  send  important

             announcements  to  the  students  whose  mobile  numbers  have  been  registered  to
             this  kind  service . Transmission  of  SMS  services  will  be  provided  to  all  students

             in  any cellular operators .
                   The  development  of  ICT  truly  presents  new  ways  in  doing  a  lot  of  things .

             Generally  in  educational  context,  the  application  of  ICT  can  increase  the
             efficiency  of  organizational  operation  and  expand  the  reaching-out  capability  of

             the  institution , which  in  effect  makes  the  institution  having  greater  opportunities
             to  enhance  its  competitive  ability. Therefore,  in  the  self-evaluation  context,  ICT
             aspects need  to  be  reviewed  in  terms  of how  far  the  institution  has  applied  it and

             what efforts have  been  carried  out to  encourage  its application .

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