Page 127 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 127

the  UT  buildings  was  risky  in  lightning  strike.  Therefore,  along  with  the  more
          sophisticated  fiber  optic  (FO)  and  UTP  technology,  UT  backbone  was  changed
          into  using  FO  cables , while  the  connection  inside  the  buildings  was  replaced  by

          UTP  cables. The  other change  was  encouraging  an  approach  to  data  processing .

          At  first,  data  registration  forms  collected  in  Regional  Offices  were  sent  to  UT
          Head  Office  for scanning  process . This  process , then , was  changed  into  Regional
          Office  staff  directly  conducting  entry  of  the  registration  data.  Then ,  digital  data

          was  sent  to  UT  Head  Office  via  internet  or  in  the  form  of  diskette  for  further
          processing.  For  this  process ,  Regional  Offices  were  provided  with  local  area

          network  (LAN)  consisting  of  one  server  and  at  least  five  client  computers  for
          Regional  Offices  that  had  more  than  5.000  students.  Regional  Offices  managing

          2,000  to  5,000  students were  allocated  one  server  and  3 client  computers, while
          Regional  Offices  with  less  than  2.000  students  had  2  computers  without  any

          connection  to  LAN .  There  were  two  kinds  of applications  used, i.e. student  data
          management applications for  Non-Education  Student  Program  and  for  Elementary

          Teacher Education  Program  (PGSD) .
                UT  Head  Office  has  developed  local  area  network  (LAN-UT)  that  connects

          many  buildings  in  UT  since  1986.  In  2006,  UT  provided  some  addition  and
          maintenance  of  the  networks  as  needed ,  so  up  to  now  all  of  the  UT  buildings

          have  been  connected  to  LAN-UT.

                    Table  1.  List  of Buildings  and ConnectionType  to  UT-LAN

            No          Buildings          Number of Connection             Note
           1     Computer Center                    69             Wire  and  wireless
           2     Rectorate                          13             wire
           3     Bureau                             59             Wire  and  wireless  *
           4     Institution                        46           .  wire
           5     Examination                        83             wire
           6     Faculty I                          86             Wire  and  wireless
           7     Faculty II                         84             wire
           8     Convention Center                  8              Wire  and-wireless

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