Page 128 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 128


               9    Library                             8             wire
               10   Printing  House                     2             wire
               11   Inter University Center             51            Wire  and  wireless
               Total                                   509
              • Wireless connection only in several meeting rooms.

                   In  the  matter  of  internet  connection, firstly  UT  used  connection  by  means  of  one

              telephone line with  maximum 56 kbps in speed. At that time, internet applications provided
              covered  e-mail  and  page  of UT portal  consisting  of various  types of information. Because

              data traffics  increased  rapidly, in  1996 UT  added one  more telephone line so  that digital
              communication  bandwidth  became  112 kbps. In  1997, UT connected  to  internet via ISP of
              PT lndonet.  Now  UT  is  connected  to  two  ISPs, i.e., PT lndonet and  Lintas Arta with  the

              speed  of 3 x 128  kbps, so  link  total  was  384  kbps. Communication  bandwidth  actually is

              not enough, because there are too many connections to  provide, i.e.,  all  internet access in
              every  building  at  UT with  not less  than  500  connection  in  12  buildings, and  access  to  UT
              internet  services  by  students  and  the  public. The  need  of communication  bandwidth  can

              be seen in Figure 2.

                2 .1.  ltlps .----------------------------.,

                1.7 rtlps

                1.3  ltlps

              674.()  Kbps

              437.1()  kbps

                                                   Time in Use

                                         Figure 2. The use of bandwidth in UT

   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133