Page 123 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 123

UT  Online  conveys  general  information  for  prospective  students  and  the
           general  public  and  provides  online  services  for  the  students,  i.e. ,  online
           registration,  online  counseling ,  online  tutorial,  online  self-assessment,  online

           grade-checker,  online  self-assessment  checker,  online  journals,  and  online

           examination .  UT  online  services  can  be  accessed  in  the  UT  portal
           In  September 2005, UT  portal  was  selected  by  Info  Komputer magazine  as  one  of
           the  best three  educational  portals in  Indonesia  in  2005.

                                                          pENGUMtJMAN HASIL SELEKSI CPNS UT 2005

                               Mthtsjswtl lu!or I We~mtH ~ / lll!.llll.l Ktleoder ~ / ~
                                   U. Ctloe lltyt, Clpoottt · IN 0  0 N E S I A, K"-s · 15418
                            PO BOX  6666,  hlctrtt 10001, r•' +62.o21.7490941, Ftks..,., +62.1121.7490147
                                             l  in(ot!•2m.ut.t<.l!!l

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           Front page  of UT portal

                The  next  priority  of development  is  not focused  on  new  applications, but  on
           resolving  the  UT  problems  in  network  infrastructures  in  order  to  utilize  the

           general  and  academic administration  applications that have  been  developed.

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