Page 122 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 122

The  interrelationship of these  applications is described  in  Figure  1. As  seen

             in  the  diagram,  the  applications  were  related  by  the  variable  NIP  (Nomor  lnduk
             Pegawai  - Personnel  Identification  Number),  NIM  (Nomor  lnduk  Mahasiswa  -

             Student  Identification Number),  KD_MK  (Kode  Mata  Kuliah  - Course  ID),  KD_BK
             (Kode  Buku  -   Book  Identification),  and  KD_SRT  (Kode  Sural  -     Letter
             I de ntifi cation) .

                     1                    12                  11                  10
                   Online           Administration         Personnel        Online Payment
                 Registration                           Administration

                      2                                                            6
                Student Record                                               Research and
                System (SRS)              ~              ~                    Community
                      3               ~            NIP
                   Learning                        NIM                             8
                  Materials/          ..         KD-MK                          Library
                Course Profile                   KD-BK                                      I
                                                KD- SRT

                      4               ~                          .....             7
                 Distribution                                                   Online
                                              t      ~    t                   Examination

                     5                             13                              6
               Online Learning              Asset Management                Test Item Bank

             Figure  1. lnterelationship of application  fo r general  administration  and  academic


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