Page 121 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 121

Office  and  Regional  Offices,  especially  following  the  implementation  of
           decentralized  data  processing  system . ·  This  article  about  the  history  of  the

           application  of  information  and  communication  technology  is  trying  to  explore
           flashback  on  what  had  been  done  by  UT  in  those  fields  in  the  past.  The

           exposition  of the  history will  also  cover the  development of infrastructure  needed
           to  support the  application  of  information  and  communication  technology.

           Development  in  the  Application  of

            Information  and  Communication

                 Along  with  its  changing  needs, UT  has  developed  some  new  applications  in
           order to  provide  better services  to  the  students . Basically, applications  in  UT  can

           be   categorized   into   application   for   general   adm inistration,  academic

           administration  (e-administration) , and  academic  applications  to  help  the  students
           by  providing  a  learning  support  system  that  was  packaged  into  UT  online  portal.
           Application  for administration  consists of the  followings :

           •   Distribution  and  Inventory Application

           •   Learning  Material  and  Course  Profile Application
           •   Management Asset Application
           •   General  Administration  Application  (Administration ,  Official  Agenda,  and

               Official  Letter)

           •   Personnel  Application
           •   Library  Application
           •   Research  and  Community  Service Application

           •   Online Registration  Application

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