Page 130 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 130

based  emails  and  tutorials.  Then ,  step  by  step ,  UT  carried  out  development  in

              the  use  of information  and  commun ication  technology  as  shown  in Table  2 below.
                   In  order to  encourage  the  students  to  use  UT  online  services, UT  has  made

              a policy  of giving  a certain  percentage of scoring  to  the  students  who  are  active
              in  online  tutorials  added  to  the  final  grade  calculation  in  every  course . Based  on

              the  Rector Letter of  Decision, online tutorial activities  contribute  up  to  15% to  the
              final  semester grade for each  cou rse  in the  undergraduate  program , although  it is

              not  obligatory  for  the  students  to  participate  in  onl ine  tutorials .  For  students  of
              the  graduate  program ,  participation  in electronic  online  tutorial  is  a  compulsory

              requirement  and  as  part  of  an  integrated  tutorial  system  with  the  face-to-face
              mode  of tutorial.

               Table  2.  Th e  Steps  of information  andCommunicationTechnology  Development in
                                             Lea rning  Process.

                No        Usage         Year    Amount                   Note

                1    Consultation       1996        1      One  email  address:
                                                           i  nfo@mail. id
                                                           Each  Department has  its own
                                        2001       40
                                                           email  address
                2    Electronic/On lin   1996       4      Mailing-list Based
                     e Tutorial
                                        1998       40
                                                           Target of Onl ine  Tutorial
                                        1999       60
                                                           Increased 30 courses  per annual
                                        2000       80
                                        2001      135      Web-based  with  Manhattan
                                                           Virtual Classroom  (Open Source
                                        2003      201      LMS)

                                        2004      171
                                                           Web-based  with  Moodie  (Open
                                        2005      330
                                                           Source  LMS)
                                        2006      363
                3    Supplementary      1998       40      Target of online tutorial

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