Page 134 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 134

Table  3.  UT /investment in  Developing Information  and Communication  Technology
                                                 2001 -2006

               Investment      2001    2002    2003     2004     2005     2006        Note
              Hardware  and                                                       Allocation:
                                               1, 016   1,306    1,046    1,901
              software                                                            Billion
              •  New            7        3       21      22        15      11     ICT Staffs
              •   Training                      2/44     1/18    5/108
                                                                 Gig a               FO:  100
              •   LAN            9 fiber-optic (FO)     +4FO    Switch    +4FO        MBps
                                       1Wifi            2Wifi             3Wifi/
              •   External             128K             256K              384K

                                      Warint                             JakSoft  Increasing
              Cooperation  in         ek               lndosat           SMS      Accessibilitie
              using  ICT              W-Net            SMS               broadc  s of the
                                      Warnet                             ast      students

                   Based  on  the  above  comments,  it  can  be  summarized  that  UT  has  various
             kinds  of  internet-based  application .  These  applications  have  not  yet  optimally

             been  used  by  the  students  and  Regional  Offices  because  of  limited  connection .
             During  this  period,  the  students  have  difficulties  in  accessing  UT  website ,

             because  UT  communication  bandwidth  is  not  appropriate. It is  expected  that after
             this  program  has  been  carried  out,  the  students  can  be  facilitated  to  access  UT

             online  services  and  that  information  provided  and  delivered  by  UT  can  be
             immediately  accepted  by  the  students.  By  connection  facil ities  in  Regional

             Offices, it  is  expected  that  the  students  can  access  UT  from  the  Regional  Office
             with  comfort, low  cost and  easier connection.

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