Page 138 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 138

developed  by  Pusyandi.     The  state  higher  education  institution  libraries
             developed  as  Pusyandi are  expected  to  deliver the  information  of new  collections

             they have  developed.  UT  library , which  is  not  a member  of Pusyandi networking ,
             can  use  the  collections  developed  by  those  eight  Pusyandis , either  through  the
             internet  or  facsimile.  The  purpose  of this  networking  is  to  have  opportunities  to

             develop  a  service  system  among  libraries.  The  eight  Pusyandis  are  describe  in
             Table  1.

                                        Table  1.  The  Pusyandis

              No.   Higher education  institution             Subject matter  developed

               1    University of Indonesia, Jakarta          •   Law
                                                              •  Arts  and  Humanity
                                                              •  Library,  Computer,  and
               2    Bogor Agricultural  Institute             Agriculture
               3    Institute Technology of Bandung           Technology
               4    Bandung  Institute for Teacher Training  and   Education
                    Educational  Science
               5    Gajah  Mada  University, Yogyakarta       •   Social  Science
                                                              •  Basic Science
                                                              •  Economics

               6    Indonesian  Arts  Institute, Yogyakarta   Culture and  Arts

               7    University of Airlangga, Surabaya         Medical  and  Health  Sciences

               8    Institute  of Technology,  Surabaya       Marine technology

                  UT  library  along  with  other  five  higher  education  institution  libraries  were
             among  the  first  libraries  to  be  the  member  of  Pusyandis  networking  (Directorate

             General  of Higher  Education,  1991 ).  Those  libraries were  Padjadjaran  University
             Library, North  Sumatra  University Library,  Hasanuddin  University Library, Jakarta
             Institute  of  Teacher  Training  and  Educational  Science  (now  State  University  of

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