Page 143 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 143

general  information  about  UT  and  put  it  into  the  website.  In  2000,  it  started  to
           digitalize  parts  of  its  collections,  especially  local  content  materials ,  such  as
           research  collection  in  distance  education  and  thesis  or dissertation from  UT  staff

           which  is  related  to  distance education.
                 Copyright  became  a problem  in  digitalizing  the  collections. A break  though
           was  needed  to  cover  the  problem.  An  effort  which  can  be  done  was  permission

           from  the  writers  of  research  reports, theses,  and  dissertations  to  be  digitalized.
           Such  effort had  positive  responses  from  UT  academic  staff since  there  were  easy

           permissions from  them  to  digitalize their research  reports.
                At  the  same  time,  ITB  sponsored  the  establishment  of  Indonesian  Digital
           Library  Network  (IDLN) ,  and  UT  library  becomes  a  member  of  IDLN .  As  a

           member, it can  put the  digitalized  collection  into  IDLN.
                Beside  local  content  materials, UT  library  also  dig ital ized  abstract, table  of
           content  of  the  journal  and  book  collections .  Since  2004,  it  also  digitalized  UT

           learning  material.  Next,  it  also  digitalized  audio  video  collections .  Other
           collections  were  brochure,  photos ,  newspaper  clipping ,  and  documentation
           related  to  distance education .

                Through  digital  library,  UT  library  is  trying  to  develop  online  services  for
           the  following  materials :

           •   Catalogue, including  table  of content and  abstract of journa ls.
           •   Research, theses, and  dissertation findings  (abstracts and  fu ll texts).

           •   UT  learning  material.
           •   Learning  material  supplement.

           •   Literature trace  related  to  material  used  in  writing  UT  learn ing  material.
           •   UT  general  information.
           •   Distance  education  information.

           •   Online  catalogue.
           •   Photocopy service at  a distance.

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