Page 182 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 182

Evaluation  of student learning achievement

             •  Are  there  any  inter-unit  coordinating  systems  to  plan  and  implement

                 evaluation  of students' achievement?
             •   Monitoring  and  evaluation  of the  overall  process  and  use  of feedback

             Critical review  of the  learning system  in  use

             •  Are  there  critical  reviews  upon  the  learning  systems  in  use?

             •  What  is  needed  for  reviewing  the  prevailing  learning  systems,  either  at  the

                 department/study  program,  course  designers,  specific  group  or  individual
             •  Are  students' inputs  included  and  considered  in  improvement efforts?

             •   How  is  the  result of review  used  in  the  subsequent planning  process?

             Feedback acquisition and  its  utilisation

             •  Are  there  any  systems  to  facilitate  periodic evaluation  on  the  effectiveness  of

                 learning  process  and  its practical outcomes?
             •   How  often  does  Learning  Material  Development  Team  study  the  effectiveness

                 of the  existing  learning  approach?
             •   How  is  student's  feedback  collected  as  part  of  the  efforts  to  improve  the

                 learning  approach  and  systems? How  often?

                   Portfolio  along  with  well  arranged  data  attachments  and  supporting

             photographs  are  sent  electronically  to  ISA  in  January  2005 .  The  next  stage
             following  the  desk  evaluation  was  on-site  audit  which  takes  the  form  of site  visit

             to  the  UT  Headquarters  and  three  Regional  Offices  were  selected  by  the  Auditor
             Team.  The  selection  of  the  Regional  Offices  for  data  verification  and  auditing

             purposes  was  based  on  the  assumption  that  these  represented  the  common
             conditions  found  in  most  Regional  Offices  and  consideration  of  time  availability.

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