Page 185 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 185

350,000  organisations  in  more  than  150  countries. ISO  9000  is  also  widely  used
            by  higher education  institutions, one  of which  is  Benjamin  Franklin  University - a

            university implementing  distance education  systems  (Pond, 2002).  ISO  Standards
            have  been  adopted  in  Indonesia  since  1992,  and  within  the  period  of  ten  years,

            more  than  1,300  companies  in  Indonesia  have  received  the  certificates  of  ISO
           9001/2  series.  When  an  organisation  is  granted  ISO  9000,  they  are  recognised

           that  they  have  standards  of  quality  management  which  are  able  to  provide
           assurance  on  the  quality  of  their  products  and  services.  Educational  services

           may  apply  relevant ISO  standards  in  service  industry.
                 In  the  middle  of 2004, UT  initiates  its  efforts for  ISO  9001 :2000  certification

           in  the  management  of  learning  materials  distribution .  The  effort  did  not  only
           involve  the  core  unit,  i.e.  the  Learning  Materials  Service  Centre  but  also  other

           related  units  which  also  dealt  with  the  process  of production  and  distribution  of
           the  learning  material  packages. Hard  work  and  strong  commitment  contributed  by
           all  personnel  concerned  have  lead  to  the  recognition  that  the  management

           system  of  the  learning  material  distribution  has  been  consistently  implemented

           and  met  the  ISO  9001:2000  standards.  This  recognition  through  ISO  9001 :2000
           certification  was  finally  awarded  in  March  2006.  Improvement  in  the  quality  of
           management  in  UT  did  not  stand  still  following  this  recognition;  the  institution

           keeps  improving  the  quality  of  its  management  system  in  different  areas  of  UT

           core  business  processes.  In  2006,  UT  strived  to  get  certification  of  ISO
           2001 :2000  for  its  academic  development,  which  includes  the  development  of
           printed  and  non-print materials  and  the  development of examination systems,  and

           distance learning services of the  Regional  Offices.

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