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PBIS4309 – Reading III

Djoehana D. Oka, Sunu Dwi Antoro, S. Nurul Muthmainah, Darminah, Suharmanto
Edisi 1 / 3 SKS / Modul 1-9
446 halaman: ilustrasi; 21 cm.
ISBN 9789790115293
Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2014

DDC 23: 428

Reading III is designed to develop the ability of S1 Program students in the seventh semester to evaluate advanced English texts (7000 vocabularies), including narration, description, argumentation, either in the form of fiction or nonfiction texts. The ability in understanding and comprehending the texts covers the ability of literal, inferential and evaluation. To take this course the students have to take PBIS4208/Reading II as the prerequisite course.

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Tinjauan Mata Kuliah
Modul 1
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