Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practices From AAOU Members
Tian Belawati
Ko Songhwan (KNOU); Ahmad Izanee Awang, Mohd Tajudin Md Ninggal, and Thirumeni T. Subramaniam (OUM); W. Taweewat, S. Sumalee, J. Darunee,C. Thanathnuth, M. Kemmanat, B. Patthanan, A. Phantipa, T. Piyapot, and N. Sungworn (STOU); Institute of Lifelong Education and International Department (OUC); Masaya Iwanaga and Tsuneo Yamada (OUJ); S. A. Ariadurai (OUSL); Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria (UPOU); Rahmat Budiman, Durri Andriani, Adhi Susilo, Lidwina Sri Ardiasih, Made Yudhi Setiani, Mery Noviyanti, Olivia Idrus, and Ernik Yuliana (UT)
- Edisi 1
- 209 Halaman: ilustrasi; 27 cm (A4)
- ISBN 9786234807790
- Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2022
- Kelas DDC 23: 371.178
This book of open and distance education in Asia is an important contribution from AAOU members and is dedicated to the global ODE field. It will be continued in subsequent series and is expected to enrich references to ODE practices. Distance Education has a long history in Asia and is continuously evolving, creating a significant amount of human capital and economic growth, it is imperative to track this progress, particularly as it is practiced by open universities. As the largest OU association in Asia, AAOU, feels compelled to do this. The book would initially include chapters produced by each institutional full member of AAOU. However, due to time constraints, only eight chapters – written by the Korea National Open University (KNOU), Open University of China (OUC), Open University of Japan (OUJ), Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) of Thailand, University of the Philippine Open University (UPOU), and Universitas Terbuka (UT) of Indonesia – are included in this book. Each chapter provides a thorough explanation of the origins, growth, and development of DE in the respective country as well as the evolution of the country’s open university.