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MPBI5202 – Grammar Analysis

Utari Praba Astuti,Ma, Yusmita Febrianti, Asep Suparman, Sri Andreani

  • Edisi 1 / 3 SKS / 9 Modul
  • 588 Halaman: ilustrasi; 21 cm
  • ISBN : 9786023921287 / E-ISBN :
  • Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2017
  • DDC [23] 415

MPB15202 Grammar Analysis coursebook will guide the students to have the abilities to: define what grammar is all about, identify and analyze speech function, compound sentences, complex sentences, conditional sentences identify and analyze noun phrases (NR including pronoun), verb phrases (VP), adjective phrases (AdjP), adverb ihrases (AdvP), and prepositional phrases (PP); identify and analyze passive sentences.

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