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IEESPA4110 – Introduction To Macroeconomics

Sonny Harry B. Harmadi

  • 1st Edition / 3 SKS / 9 Modules
  • 324 Pages: ilustration; 27 cm
  • E-ISBN 9786234809411
  • Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2023
  • DDC Classification [23] 339

IEESPA4110 Book of Basic Materials for Introduction to Macroeconomics provides an overview of the basic concepts of economics and the problems that exist in a country’s economy. It also discusses individual behavior to the economic growth of a country, and how a country enters an open economy. At the end of the meeting, students are expected to be able to understand the concept of economics and the role of individuals in the economy. So that in the end it can be seen the role of the individual and the state in an open economy. Theย  achievement of learning outcomes from this course is measured by the ability of students to complete tutorial assignments or answer end of semester exam questions well.

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