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FSSI4316 – English Morpho-Syntax

M. Zaim, Rusdi Noor Rosa

  • Edisi 1 / 3 SKS / 9 Modul
  •  Halaman: ilustrasi; 27 cm
  • ISBN
  • Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2024
  • Kelas DDC [23]

The textbook English Morpho-Syntax FSSl4316 comprises nine comprehensive modules delineating the theoretical framework and practical implementation of English word formation systems. It includes introduction to morpho-syntax, morphemes and words, word formation, morphological processes, phrase and sentence structure, and using tree diagrams in sentence analysis. After completing this textbook, students are anticipated to demonstrate proficiency in explaining the basic concepts of formation an,d rules governing the construction of English words, phrases, clauses, and sentences as well as adeptly applying such knowledge in analyzing English texts.

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