Page 340 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 340

distance  education  institutions  in  the  process  of distance  learning.  However,
              application  of  information  and  communication  technology  for  distance

              education  institutions  in  developing  countries  remains  a  problem ,  due  to
              limited  facilities ,  cost,  access  and  social  culture.  Distance  education

              institutions  should  work  harder  to  overcome  this  problem  through
              dissemination  of information, internalization, and  trainings  for clients.

          R e kto r  UT a s  a  k e y - n o te  s peaker at the  2 2nd  World Confe renc e  on  Distance
          Educ atio n ,  c o nduc te d  by  ICDE  in  Rio  d e  Jan e iro ,  B r azi/, 3 -6  Septe mber 2 006

          6.  Active  participation  in  existing  professional  associations  and  organizations.

              Joint  activities  among  distance  education  institutions  should  be  able  to
              enhance  the  role  of  existing  professional  associations  and  organizations  to

              work  together  to  realize  mutual  objective  to  improve  access,  provide  equal

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