Page 345 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 345


                   Excellent  and  competitive  distance  higher  education  institutions  should
              always  be  encouraged  to  critically  evaluate  themselves  and  make  continuous
              improvement.  Distance  education  institutions  are  expected  to  promptly,  properly

              and  accurately  response  to  the  needs  of their clients  and  continually  improve  the

              service  in  order  to  make  the  clients  really  feel  that  they  get  the  service  they
              want.  As  a distance  higher  education  institution,  UT  should  determine, manage,
              adapt, equip  itself with  human  resources  facilities , system  and  procedure,  adapt

              to  the  needs  and  values  of the  society,  clients and  other interested  parties.

                   Human  resources  play  an  important  role  in  the  effort.  The  effort to  improve
              human  resources  can  be  done  partially  or  as  the  situation  requires.  UT  needs
              comprehensive  efforts  to  improve  quality,  competence,  formal  qualification  of

              human  resources  in  various  fields  that can  support the  implementation  of a mega

              university  with  the  capacity  to  reach  both  national  and  international  students.
              Steadily  and  systematically,  UT  should  continue  to  make  an  effort  and  direct
              itself  to  be  excellent  and  make  real  contribution  and  be  competitive  with  other

              similar  institutions  in  certain  areas  which  are  relevant  the  needs  of  the  society.
              Some  core  areas  of  competence  and  expertise  should  be  developed  and

              enhanced  so  as  to  make  UT  one  of global  distance  education  providers  in  some
              specific fields  of study.

                   The  challenge  to  be  an  excellent distance  higher  education  institution  is  an

              immediate  need  to  be  fulfilled  and  should  be  realized  together.  Therefore,
              management  and  staff  should  share  the  same  perception,  knowledge  and
              awareness  of  the  problems,  scenario  of  solution ,  and  actions.  Developin·g  a

              world-class  institution  cannot  be  done  individually  or  by  a small  group  of  people
              in  an  institution  as  big  as  UT.  All  UT's staff should  have  high  commitment, spirit

              of unity, sense  of  belonging , and  responsibility to  realize  the  vision, mission  and
              purpose  of  the  institution.  UT  is  a  national  asset  with  a  key  role  to  implement

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