Page 343 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 343

constraints  to  grab  that  opportunity.  Some  efforts  have  been  made  by  UT

                  through  quality  comparison,  learning  from  best  practices  among  distance
                  education  institutions, and  carrying  out necessary improvement.

              8.  Development  of joint  programs  and  subjects.  Distance  education  institutions

                  should  explore  the  possibility  of developing  joint programs  and  subjects. This
                  opportunity  is  more  pragmatic  to  be  done  at  post-graduate  level.  This  kind  of

                  cooperation  is  more  flexible  in  making  use  the  joint  subjects .  For  example ,
                  subject  can  be  developed  together,  and  related  institutions  can  use  them  or

                  modify  them  according  to  the  needs  of  students ,  or  translate  them  in  the
                  language  of  instruction  used  in  the  country.  Partner  institutions  can  also  be

                  flexible  in  developing  study  guides ,  or  set  system  of  assessment  for  the
                  subject.  But  still ,  language  of  instruction  and  academic  and  administrative

                  communication  remain  the  main  constraint in  this effort.

              9.  Staff  exchange.  Staff  exchange  is  an  important  and  constructive  step  for
                  distance  education  institutions  to  cooperate  and  share  experience  and  best
                  practices.  Staff  exchange  can  be  done  bilaterally  between  institutions  and

                  multilaterally  between  similar  institutions  with  various  institutions,  agencies,

                 organizations  or  multilateral  associations  having  the  same  interests  in
                 distance higher education . Staff exchange  can  be  followed  up  by  a number  of
                 forms , such  as  research  cooperation , development of joint distance  education

                 methods,  cooperation  in  public  services ,  development  of  programs  and

                 subjects, joint innovation , joint utility of resources , and  other forms  which  are
                 constructive  to  the  institutions  concerned .  UT  needs  to  more  active  in
                 sending  and  receiving  staff  exchange  with  similar  institutions,  which  will  be

                 constructive  to  future  development  of  the  institution  and  professional
                 competence  of  the  staff  concerned .  Informal  network  between  staff  of

                 institutions  should  be  necessarily  developed,  because  many  things  can  be

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