Page 341 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 341

opportunities  for  the  society  to  participate  in  higher  education  in  accordance

                  with  the  idea  of  higher  education  for  all .  UT  should  play  more  active  and
                  constructive  role  in  mobilizing  activities  of  existing  non-profit,  non-

                  government,  multilateral , international,  regional  and  national  organizations  in
                  distance  education,  such  as  International  Council  for  Open  and  Distance

                  Education  (ICDE) ,  Global  Mega-University  Network  (GMUNET),  Asian
                  Association  of  Open  Universities  (AAOU) ,  Southeast  Asian  Ministers  of

                  Education  Organization  Open  Learning  Centre  (SEAMEO  SEAMOLEC),  United
                  Nations  Education ,  Scientific  and  Cultural  Organization  (UNESCO),  Asosiasi

                  Profesi  Pendidik-an  Jarak  Jauh  Indonesia  (APPJI),  and  other  relevant
                  organizations.  Professional  organization  is  an  effective  forum  to  compare

                 quality  and  share  experience  of best  practices.  Leadership  and  excellence  of
                 a  distance  education  institution  will  be  put  to  the  test  through  its  active

                  participation  in  mobilizing  the  organization.  UT  has  gained  its  strong
                 foundation  because  it  has  taken  initiatives  and  real  actions,  such  as  being

                 the  mastermind  and  founder  of  some  of  the  organizations.  Through  those
                 organizations,  image  development  and  public  communication  will  be  more

                 effective  to  increase  knowledge  and  awareness of the  society about roles  and
                 contributions  of  distance  education  institutions  in  social  and  economic

                 development  and  quality  human  resource  development  through  participation
                 in  distance  higher education  institutions.

              7.  Recognition  of  programs,  subjects,  and  credit  transfer  among  distance

                 education  institutions. Distance  education  institutions  are  challenged  to  work
                 together  in  order  to  ease  the  process  of  credit  transfer,  recognition  of  title ,
                 program,  and  subject  so  that  it  can  provide  better  flexibility  for  students  to

                 join  programs  at  different  institutions.  It requires  serious  effort from  distance

                 education  institutions  continually  improve  their  quality  so  that  equality  with
                 other similar institution can  be  achieved . Recognition  of  programs  or subjects

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