Page 336 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 336

Challenges  and  Actions  to  Realize  a

           Leading  Distance  Higher Education

                Competition  between  distance  higher  education  institutions  is  getting  tight,

           even  at  the  same  time  it  offers  some  opportunities  for  mutually  beneficial
           cooperation  to  improve  performance.  This  condition  should  naturally  encourage

           distance  education  institutions,  including  UT,  to  work  more  seriously,  perform
           better,  try  to  improve  quality  so  that  the  vision,  mission  and  objective  can  be

           achieved .  Distance  education  institutions  are  encouraged  to  take  concrete
           actions, work  in  partnership  with  other  institutions  in  various  areas  that  can  help

           improve  the  quality  and  performance  of  staff  and  institution.  The  areas  include
           (1)  research  and  development,  (2)  quality  assurance,  (3)  dissemination  of
           information  and  innovation,  (4)  publication  of  journal  and  research  results,  (5)

           information  and  communication  technology,  (6)  active  participation  in  existing

           professional organizations , (7)  recognition  of program , subject and  credit transfer
           between  PT JJ ,  (8)  program  development  and  joint  subjects,  (9)  staff  exchange,
           and  (1 0)  anticipation  of possible  problems in  cooperation  and  partnership.

                Some  of  the  above  ideas  have  been  implemented  effectively  by  UT,  and

           others  still  need  to  enhanced , and  the  format should  be  improved  to  make  it more
           effective  and  mutually  beneficial.  In  order  to  realize  the  vision  of  becoming  a
           mega  university  with  high  competitive  edge  and  reference  for  best  practices  in

           PTJJ , UT  needs  to  carefully  follow  up  and  face  the  challenge.  Therefore , quality

           improvement  and  equality  with  other  leading  distance  education  institutions
           should  be  constantly  carried  out  as  a  means  of  self-evaluation  and  self-
           improvement,  and  to  ensure  UT's  position  as  an  excellent  and  competitive

           distance  higher  education  institution.  Self-evaluation  which  is  followed  up  by
           continuous  self-improvement  should  be  implemented  earnestly.  The  quality  and

           competence  of  UT's  human  resources  should  be  improved  so  as  to  make  UT  a

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