Page 335 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 335

system  of  education,  quality  improvement  is  correlated  with  cost.  There  is  a

              natural  paradox  in  distance  education  system  that  a  distance  education
              institution  can  a large  number  of student  and  that  quality  of implementation  can

              be  enhanced  even  though  the  number  of  students  is  increasing , and  the  cost  can
              be  reduced  in  order to  provide  services  to  a large  number  of students , nationally

             and  even  globally.  The  latest  development  in  information  and  communication
             technology  has  encouraged  some  modes  of  ITC-based  learning  to  be  applied  in

             high  education  institutions.

                   Distance  higher education  institutions  world-wide  are  challenged  to  respond
             to  a new  paradigm  which  goes  to  a new  direction  and  fulfill  the  latest  needs  with

             regard  to  globalization,  internationalization ,  education  for  all,  partnership  and
             cooperation,  and  competition  in  providing  services  for  higher  education.
             Partnership  and  cooperation  are  natural  responses  for  competition .  A  leading

             distance  higher  education  institution  is  encouraged  to  develop  a  network  of

             cooperation  with  other  institutions,  such  as  development  of  joint  programs  and
             subjects,  recognition  of  programs  and  subjects  from  other  institutions,  credit
             transfer, research  and  development.

                   In  order  to  be  competitive  and  excellent,  a  distance  higher  education
             institution  should  develop  partnership  with  other  institution  so  that  performance
             and  services  to  clients  can  be  improved.  Distance  education  higher  educations

             all  over  the  world  also  have  some  opportunities  to  explore  possible  cooperation

             which  is  beneficial to  the  institutions and  students.  The  clients  now  have  freedom
             and  flexibility to  choose  the  subjects  they  want  to  study,  how  and  when  to  study
             them , and  which  institution  they  think  providing  the  best  service  they  can  afford .

             This  is  the  main  challenge  for  a distance  education  institution  to  survive  and  to
             be  excellent.

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