Page 331 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 331

provider  at  the  global  level.  Internally,  a  distance  higher  education  institution

              should  be  able  reorganize  itself  in  order  to  have  a  new  role  effectively  at  the
              global  level.  A  distance  higher  education  institution  should  prepare  and  equip

              itself  with  a  new  technological  strategy  and  build  new  competence  for  all
              personnel  to  serve  the  clients  at  the  global  level  with  cross-cultural  differences.

              Externally,  a  distance  higher  education  institution  should  be  able  to  cope  with
              differences  in  socio-cultural  background,  economic,  and  technology,  and  the

              impact on  international students.

              Prospect of Global  Role  of Distance  Higher
              Education  Institution

                   The  latest  development  in  public  service  sector,  especially  in  education,
              shows  close  relationship  between  higher  education  and  market  demands.  The

              pressure  for  expansion  and  shift  of  perception  about  higher  education  as
              personal  need  bear  consequences  not  only  on  mechanism  of  public  funding  but

              also  on  structural  change  of higher education  system.  Control  of the  government
              as  funding  agency  in  the  implementation  of  higher  education  has  shifted  to

              market  force  which  requires  higher  education  service.  This  trend  also  applies  to
              any  distance higher education  institution worldwide.

                   In  the  national  context,  since  its  establishment,  UT  has  relied  on  public

              funding  for  its  program  implementation , which  is  received  from  students'  fee , not
              from  government  public  funding.  For  distance  higher  education  institution,  the

              proportion  of  funding  from  the  client  is  increasing.  The  new  paradigm,  laws  and
              regulations  from  the  government  which  require  higher  education  institutions  to
              change  their  status  to  Legal  Body  University  (BHP)  with  wide  autonomy  in  their

              management  also  require  UT  to  adopt immediately. The  change  of status  is  more

              than  a technical  change  on  paper,  but  changes  in  paradigm  of thought, frame  of

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