Page 329 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 329

Nowadays  and  in  the  future ,  internalization  of  higher  education  is

              increasing  due  to  easy  access  to  other  countries  and  continents,  and  expansion
              of  information  and  communication  technology,  and  also  because  of  the

              knowledge  itself, which  requires  scientists  and  researchers  to  work  together  and
              share  knowledge  in  various  activities  and  forums.  There  is  no  single  system  of

              higher  education  in  the  world  which  is  sterile  so  that  it  can  be  indifferent  to
              external  influence. A  higher  education  institution,  by  any  means,  can  be  always

              be  intervened  and  get  international  influence,  such  as  through  academic  staff
              who  study  in  other countries or  becoming  a lecture  or visiting  researcher  in other

              countries,  and  because  of the  relationship  and  partnership  with  other  institutions
              or other international agencies.

                   The  intensity level  of internationalization  of higher education  vary,  from  the

              modest  one  to  a  multifaceted  process,  integrating  international  dimensions  in
              learning,  research, and  public services  into the  main  function  of higher education

              institution  (Watcher,  1999).  Various  forms  of  internationalization  of  higher
              education  include  the  following : students' mobility, (2)  mobility  of academic  staff,

              (3)   curriculum   internationalization,  (4)   development   of  complete   and
              comprehensive  campus  subsidiaries, (5)  institutional cooperation  and  networking,

              (6)  recognition  of  programs  and  subjects  by  other  institutions,  (7)  network  of
              transnational  universities,  and  (8)  virtual  trans-national  learning  (van  Damme,

              2001 ).  This  phenomenon  is  in  line  with  the  growth  of  information  and
              communication  technology  which  augments  international  culture  of  any  higher

              education  institution in  the  world.

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