Page 324 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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the  expected  level  of excellence , and  be  able  to  survival  in  the  increasingly  tight
          global  competition .

               The  eight  attributes  are  simplification  of  a  complex  process  for  an

          institution  or  organization  to  achieve  the  level  of  unbeatable  excellence.  A
          successful  organization  has  characteristics  which  are  in  line  with  those

          attributes.  In  social  sciences,  any  social  change  or  changes  in  social  systems,
          there  is  no  single  recipe  that  can  be  universally  used  by  any  institution  or

          organization  to  achieve  its  mutually  agreed  objectives .  However,  the  attributes
          can  be  used  as  general  references  by  an  institution  to  achieve  higher  position

          with  true  and  unbeatable  excellence.  Human  resources  are  the  key  factor  that
          can  realize  an  institution's high  reputation .

               The  challenge  faced  by  a  leader  of  an  institution  is  to  foster  the  spirit  of

          unity,  quality-oriented  way  of  thinking  and  performance,  both  individually  and
          institutionally. The  mentality  of the  institution's  members  should  be  developed  in

          such  a way  that  it  enables  them  to  appreciate  innovation,  creativity,  quality,  as
          well  as  value  and  spirit to  realize  the  vision,  mission  and  objectives of institution.

          Global  and  National  External  Conditions

               External  environment,  nationally  and  globally,  has  significant  influence  on
          the  life  and  survival  of  an  institution.  In  the  global  context,  the  role  of  distance

          higher education  institutions to  improve  equity  of access  to  higher education  and
          to  create  a  knowledge-based  society  is  increasing.  The  move  to  a  knowledge-

          based  society is  driven  by  information, communication  and  technology (ICT).

               As  a  good  instrument,  ICT  allows  free  access  to  knowledge ,  information,
          data  and  best  practices  in  many  fields  and  life  sectors  (UNESCO ,  2002).

          Realizing  a  knowledge-based  society  requires  fundamental  changes  in  teaching

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