Page 323 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 323

The  sixth  characteristic  relies  on  organization's  ability  to,  as  Peters  &

               Waterman  call,  "fit  to  the  net."  A  successful  organization  does  business  in  the
               area  of  its  true  expertise,  and  avoids  doing  business  the  area  beyond  its  true

               expertise .  Experience  has  shown  that  an  organization  focusing  on  specific
               expertise  and  hard  to  beat  by  its  competitors  has  an  unbeatable  competitive

               edge.  Organization's core  of  competence  should  be  developed,  maintained ,  and
               refined  seriously and  continuously  in  order to  ensure  its survival.

                    The  seventh  characteristic  is  organization 's simple  form  and  its  streamlined

               staffing.  Most  successful  organizations  run  not with  big  structure of organization ,
               but  with  a  simple  one  and  streamlined  staffing.  A  leading  organization  works

               efficiently.  Simple  structure  of organization  and  streamlined  staffing  will  enable
               an  organization  to  be  flexible  to  act  effectively  in  fulfilling  the  needs  of  its


                    The  eighth  characteristic  is  simultaneously  loose-tight ownership. A leading
               organization  is  simultaneously  centralized  and  decentralized.  On  one  hand,  an
               organization  is  fostering  autonomy  down  to  the  lowest  level  of hierarchy,  to  the

              front  line  of  service  provision ,  or  to  product  development  team  which  directly

               produce  the  products  to  be  presented  to  the  clients.  However,  an  organization
               should  also  maintain  the  central  characteristic  of  its  basic  values.  Both
              decentralization  and  centralization  needs  should  be  equally  managed  so  that

              they  can  be  mutually  supportive  and  in  synergy  with  organization 's strong  desire

              to  keep  moving , be  successful and  sustainable.
                    Characteristics  of  a  leading  organization  as  mentioned  above  are  common

              and  not  really  surprising.  Apart  from  them,  human  resources  play  an  important
               role  in  mobilizing  thoughts,  initiatives,  plans  and  actions  to  improve  the

              organization's  performance  so  that it can  develop,  be  highly competitive, achieve

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