Page 320 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 320

higher  institutions.  Further  discussion  will  focus  on  the  prospects  of  global  role
          of distance  higher  education  institutions  as  well  as  challenges  faced  and  actions

          to  be  taken  to  realize  UT  as  a  leading  institution.  With  regard  to  plans  and
          actions  to  be  taken  by  UT, its  human  resources  play an  important role  in  realizing

          UT's  vision  of  becoming  one  of  the  world's  leading  distance  higher  education
          institutions .

          Significance,  Reasons,  and  Ways  to  make  UT

          a  World's  Leading  Distance  Higher Education

                UT's  2005-2010  Strategic  Plan  (Renstra)  stipulates  that  "UT  is  determined
          to  be  one  of leading  distance  higher education  institutions in  Asia  in  2010  and  in
          the  world  in  2020".  In  detail, the  vision  is  specified  that  UT  is  determined  to  be

          one  of  the  best  institutions  in  the  area  of  management,  research ,  development,

          and  information  about  distance  education  in  Asia  in  2010  and  in  the  world  in
          2020 .  The  formulation  of  such  specific,  measurable,  and  time-planned  vision  is
          very  important.  A clearly  formulated  vision  should  be  able  to  inspire  and  motivate

          all  UT's  staff,  from  the  highest  hierarchy  in  the  organization  to  the  lowest,  to

          work  together  and  make  every  effort  to  realize  the  vision .  Therefore ,  all  UT's
          staff should  be  responsible  and  actively participate to  realize  the  vision .

                The  reason  why  UT  should  become  a  center  of  excellence  is  clear.  The

          function , mission  and  purpose  of  the  university require  it to  continue  to  exist, as
          it  is  the  place  where  people  can  explore,  learn ,  preserve  and  find  new
          knowledge , and  then  disseminate  it to  others  in  a  responsible  manner.  Learning

          from  the  experience  of  various  organizations  in  the  fields  of  business,  service,

          and  other  industries,  some  best  practices  should  be  taken  into  account  and
          applied  in  realizing  UT's  vision  to  be  a  leading  institution,  to  develop  its

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