Page 321 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 321

competitive  capacity  and  the  capacity  to  continue  to  exist  as  a leading  distance

              higher  education  institution.  Learning  from  the  experience  of  a  number  of
              organizations,  as  critically  discussed  in  Thomas  J.  Peter  and  Robert  H.

              Waterman's  In  Search  of  Excellence,  there  are  eight  characteristics  of
              organization  that  can  contribute  to  an  institution's  survival  in  competition.  The

              eight  characteristics  will  be  discussed  in  detail  as  one  of  sets  of  references  in
              UT's  future  improvement  and  development  in  accordance  with  the  vision  and

              mission  to  be  realized .

                    The  first  characteristic  is  strong  motivation  to  act  and  to  move  forward.  An
              institution  with  this  sort of  motivation will  always  th ink  critically  to  improve  itself,

              and  will  never  be  trapped  in  the  current  condition. The  motivation  to  change  and
              to  improve  should  continuously  grow,  and  be  enhanced  and  become  the  vision

              and  life-style  of  each  individual  staff.  The  adopted  value  should  be  "Keep  on
              doing, keep  on  improving , and  keep  on  trying " until it starts to  bear fruit.  Solution

              to  any  problem  faced  by  the  institution  should  be  found ,  and  continuous
              improvement  should  be  consistently  carried  out.  Institutions  with  this  kind  of

              attitude will  never stop  innovating.

                    The  second  characteristic  is  approach  to  clients.  Most  organizations  learn
              from  their  clients.  Clients  give  valuable  inputs  about  quality,  service,  and

              reliability,  so  that  the  organizations  can  meet  their  clients '  needs  and
              expectation  and  survive  in  tight  competition .  Good  organizations  listen

              attentively  to  their  cl ients  and  appropriately  follow  up  the  inputs.  Most  product
              innovation and  improved  services stem  from  clients ' inputs.

                    The  third  characteristic  is  the  spirit  of autonomy  and  entrepreneurship.  An

              innovative  organization  gives  chance  to  innovators , who  can  produce  new  th ings
              needed  by  the  clients  and  necessary  for  the  survival  of  the  organization .

              Creativity  is  highly appreciated . Each  individual  learn  to  take  risks  and  to  try  out

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