Page 332 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 332

reasoning,  style  of  work,  work  ethics  of  all  UT's  personnel  to  be  more
           professional  and  autonomous  in  the  implementation  and  management  of distance

           higher education institution.

                The  government and  society worldwide  are  challenged  to  improve  access  to
           and  participation  in  higher education.  The  need  to  realize  higher education  for  all

           and  globalization  of  higher  education  has  attracted  many  higher  education
           institutions  to  apply  the  system  of distance  education . During  the  last quarter  of

          the  last  century,  the  system  of  open  university  has  been  developed  by  many
          countries  in  the  world  in  order  to  accommodate  the  increasing  demands  and

          needs  to  higher education  in  many  countries,  from  the  highly populated  countries
           like  China ,  India,  Pakistan ,  and  Indonesia,  to  the  less  populated  countries  like

          The  Netherlands,  Sri  Lanka ,  and  Malaysia. The  system  of  distance  education  is
          steadily  increasing ,  with  more  institutions  operating  with  double  system,

          providing  flexibility  to  students  to  study  in  distance  mode  or  face-to-face,  in
          campus  or  at  home  and  workplace ,  or  combination  of  face-to-face  and  at  a

          distance,  or full-time and  part  time .

                Internationalization  of  higher  education  has  encouraged  the  provision  of
          distance  education  services  in  global  scale ,  because  the  system  of  distance

          education  is  within  the  reach  of the  community  and  can  be  effectively applied  to
          provide  cross-country  and  transnational  distance  education  services .  Advanced

          information  technology  and  communication  is  now  pushing  distance  education
          institutions  to  extensively  offer  cross-country  non-traditional  programs,  and

          provide  services  to  clients  living  in  any  part  of  the  planet.  The  needs  for
          universal access  and  education  for all  pose  a challenge and  opportunity to  higher

          education  institutions  of  any  form  to  change  and  adapt.  Changes  in  higher
          education  paradigm , societal  needs  and  new  technology have  made  indistinct line

          between  systems  of  traditional  face-to-face  education,  non-traditional  and

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