Page 337 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 337

university  with  excellent  characteristics.  Some  important  actions  that  should  be

              done  in  order to  make  UT  an  excellent university are  as  follow.
              1.  Research  and  development.  Research  and  development  is  an  area  which  is

                 less  attractive  to  distance  higher  education  institutions,  although  this
                 condition  is  getting  better from  time  to  time.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the

                 focus  of most  distance  education  institutions  in  the  world  is on  expansion  and
                 spreading  out their services  and  scope  of learning  so  that the  institutions can

                 accommodate  a  huge  number  of  students,  as  part  of  national  strategy  to
                 increase  participation  in  higher  education  which  is  in  line  with  the  idea  of

                 higher  education  for  all.  Development  of  distance  higher  education
                 institutions  should  be  continually  enhanced  and  every  effort  should  be  made

                 to  avoid  actions  based  on  intu itions  and  unnecessary  trial  and  error  actions.
                 Cooperation  in  research  and  development  can  be  done  in  various  areas, such

                 as  improvement  of  institution's  performance,  improvement  of  implementation
                 methods  of  PT JJ ,  and  basic  research  in  various  fields  of  study,  as  well  as

                 other areas  of priority of the  institutions concerned .

              2.  Quality  Assurance.  Distance  higher  education  institutions  all  over  the  world
                 have  the  same  interests  to  continually  assure  and  improve  quality  and  make

                 every  effort  to  satisfy  the  needs  and  expectation  of  concerned  parties  for
                 accountability,  reliability  and  transparency.  Quality  assurance  always

                 involves  self-evaluation  and  quality  assessment,  internally  and  externally.
                 Cooperation  between  distance  higher  education  institutions  in  this  area  is

                 expected  to  facilitate  the  process  of  quality  improvement  through  external
                 comparison  of performance and  quality. By  so  doing, UT  can  assess  itself and

                 tries  to  put  itself in  the  front  line  to  keep  abreast  with  the  progress  made  by
                 other  similar  institutions.  If UT  has  high  quality  standard  or  at  least  is  equal

                 to  other  leading  institutions, various  forms  of cooperation  in  numerous  areas
                 can  be  easily developed and  effectively implemented.

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