Page 32 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 32

During  the  preparation  stage, the  Committee  had  practically no  budget.  The

              budget  used  was  budget  from  DIKTI.  After  UT  was  formally  established  and  the
              new  annual  budget  was  started  in  April  1985,  UT  then  had  its  own  budget.

              Because  of its  budget  limitation,  UT  could  not  afford  some  activities  that  should
              be  paid  like fee  for module  writers. However,  the  budget  given  by  DIKTI  had  been

              used  to  buy  equipment  needed,  i.e.  some  Apple  II  computers,  which  were  the
              best  desktop  computer  at  that  time  for word-processing:  from  making  draft of the

              manuscript  to  printed-master.  Printing  of  course  materials  was  outsourced  in
              private  printing  houses. Student data  processing  used  the  computers  of Center of

              Computer Science (Pusilkom)  Universitas  Indonesia.
                   At  the  beginning  UT  used  fixed  curriculum,  so  that  every  student  in  one

              study  program  took  the  same  courses,  and  every  students  got  their  course
              materials  after paying  the  tuition fee , therefore  the  distribution  of course  material

              was  relatively  simple. Every  student  would  get  the  course  material  in  a  package
              distributed  by  mail.  Students  were  registered ,  paid  education  fee ,  and  got  their

              learning  package  at the  same  Post  Office. All  of this  process  could  be  finished  in
              the  same  day, so  that students could  also  begin  their learning  on  that day.

              Student is doing Registration

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