Page 29 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 29

teacher  education  was  moved  up  to  Diploma  Program  II  for  SMP  teacher  and
           Strata 1 for  SMA teachers, after students had  worked  for three years  in  schools.
                 In  fact, to  send  them  out  for further education  was  not  easy,  because  there

           were  no  stand-in  teachers in  schools.  In  addition, the  budget for the  scholarships

           was  very  high.  The  new  teachers  graduated  from  IKIP  were  always  sent  to  the
           rapidly  developing  new  secondary  schools  due  to  the  increasing  number  of pupils
           graduated from  the  lnpres  Elementary Schools.

                 The  only  way  to  further  their  education  was  by  DE  method. In  1981,  DE  for

           Diploma  II  SMP  teachers  and  Strata  1  for  SMA  teachers  -  that  was  directly
           managed  by  DIKTI  and  supported  by  some  IKIPs  -  started  to  operate.  The
           operation  faced  some  constraints,  because  DIKTI  was  not  an  educational

           institution although  it was  helped  by  the  bigger institutions of IKIPs.
                 The  other  constraint  faced  by  government  in  the  third  period  of  Indonesian

           Five-year  Development  (Repelita)  was  that  there  were  significant  numbers  of
           secondary  high  school  graduates  who  had  difficulties  in  entering  the  limited

           number  of available  universities.  In  the  early  Repelita  IV,  secondary  high  school
           graduates  reached  about 600.000  students.  This number rapidly increased to  1,1

           million  students  at  the  end  of  Repelita  IV.   While  the  established  higher  or
           tertiary  education  institutions  were  only  able  to  accommodate  about  400,000

           students,  it  would  be  short  of  place  for  about  700.000  students,  if  all  of  the
           secondary  high  school  graduates  wanted  to  further  their  study  at  higher

           education  institutions.  One  of  the  missions  of  the  Repelita  IV  was  to  provide
           educational  opportunities equally. It had  been  difficult if the  government had  only

           relied  on  the  expansion  of  convention-nal  higher  education  institutions,
           considering  the  geographical  condition  of  Indonesia  comprising  more  than  7000

           populated  islands.

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