Page 24 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 24

private  universities  were  approximately  300.000  students.  The  government
             targeted  that  by  the  end  of  Repelita  IV  the  number  of  the  students  enrolling  in

             both  government  and  private  universities  could  reach  1.5  million  students.  In
             addition,  the  university  had  to  serve  as  the  bridge  between  science  and

             technology  and  public  demand .  Thus  higher  education  functioned  as  a  national
             instrument for improving and  developing the  quality of life of Indonesian people .

                   To  increase  student  participation  rate  from  700.000  to  1.500.000  in  five-
             year  period,  the  government  needed  another  type  of  approach ,  because  with

             conventional  approaches  to  higher  education ,  the  target  was  unlikely  met.
             Another  consideration  was  that  investing  in  additional  academic  staffs  and

             classrooms  would  be  difficult,  because  it  would  take  a  lot  of  time.  Finally,
             investment  in  the  educational  technology  was  preferred.  Teaching  and  learning

             through  distance  education  had  been  used  in  Australia  and  New  Zealand  for  a
             long  time.  The  universities  that  have  especially  developed  using  this  approach
             have  also  proved  to  be  successful  in  South  Africa,  Britain,  Thailand ,  and

             Pakistan .

                   At  that  time,  Indonesia  was  not  a  new  comer  in  distance  education.
             Education  through  correspondence  had  been  carried  out  to  improve  the  teacher

             quality, and  education  by  the  use  of  radio  had  also  been  used  by  Department  of
             Agriculture  for  the  farmer  groups.  Besides ,  Bogor  Agriculture  Institute  (lnstitut

             Pertanian  Bogor I  IPB)  along  with  Directo-rate  General  of  Higher  Education  had
             conducted  distance  education  program  by  means  of  satellites  to  improve  the
             quality  of  the  university  lecturers  in  the  eastern  part  of  Indonesia.  This  DE

             program  was  well-known  as  Satellite  Education  System  (Sistem  Pendidikan

             dengan  Sate/it!  Sisdiksat).  launched  in  June  1984.  Teaching  Certificate  V
             Program  also  used  DE  approach .  All  of  those  experiences  have  been  useful
             lessons  in  establishing  distance  higher  education  (DHE)  that  needed  less

             teachers  and  classrooms.

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