Page 28 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 28

When  the  Minister  issued  the  Decree  about  UT  structure,  there  were  many

             difficulties in  the  implementation  because  the  bureaucrat who  arranged  it did  not
             have  knowledge  about  UT  needs.  As  a  compromise,  it  was  suggested  that  UT

             appointed  technical  task  force  units  (Unit  Pelak-sana  Teknis/UPT)  as  an
             adjustment  to  the  formal  organizational  structure  of  UT.  Finally,  UT  operated

             with  organization structure similar to  the  conventional  university added  with  some
             UPTs  i.e.  UPT  Course  Material  Distribution , UPT  Examination  Center, UPT  Media

             Production Center,  and  UPT  Publishing Center.

             Background to the  Birth  of

             Universitas Terbuka

             Reason  for the  Birth

             of Universitas Terbuka

                  During  the  last  decade  of  the  1970s,  there  were  significant  numbers  of
             junior  and  senior  high  school  teachers  who  got  minimal  training  through  crash

             programs  to  fill  in  the  highly  needed  teachers, therefore  it was  considered  that
             their  basic  skills  for  teaching  needed  improvement.  Firstly,  they  were  educated

             within  the  responsibility  of  Directorate  General  of  Elementary  and  Secondary
             Education  (Ditjen  Dikdasmen).  To  accommodate  these  needs, Junior High  School

             Teacher  Education  (PGSMP)  and  Senior  High  School  Teacher  Education
             (PGSMA)  were  set  up.  Then,  after  all  post  senior  high  school  education  had

             moved  to  the  responsibility  of  DGHE,  Teacher  Education  was  also  moved  to
             DGHE. DGHE  appointed  some  Teacher Training  Institutes (/KIP)  to  offer  Diploma

             Program  I for SMP  teachers and  Diploma  Program  Ill for SMA  teachers.  Then  the

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