Page 27 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 27

Training  Institute  (Lembaga  Pelatihan  Perbankan  lndonesia/LPPI)  and  also
           attended  by  some  of participants from  Bank  of Indonesia  and  LPPI.

                With  the  support  of  Educational  Communication  Development,  The
           Preparation  Committee  of  UT  Foundation  made  a  temporary  operational  plan

           based  on  the  plan  created  in  October  1981 ,  and  the  result  of  discussion  in  the
           1984 Workshop.  This  plan, Initial Planning  Considerations, which  was  written  by

           some  consultants  from  various  countries, finally, was  only  used  as  a white  book
           by  UT  staffs , because  UT  staffs were  busy with  the  very  speedy  passing  events.

                It  could  be  said  that  UT  was  carried  out  without  enough  detail  concrete
           plan . The  course  materials  had  to  be  immediately  prepared , at  least for  one  and

           a half semester. And  at last, the  course  materials for three  semesters were  ready
           before  the  opening  in  September  1984.   In  order  to  prepare  the  writers  and

           staffs  to  produce  the  ready-to-print  manuscripts,  they  needed  trainings.  Finally,
           UT  could  recruit  approximately  1000  writer  candidates  that  were  trained  in  three

           days  consecutively.  The  staffs  who  prepared  ready-to-print  manuscripts  were
           also trained in  using  simple  desktop computers  (Apple  II), which  was  a new  office

           innovation  at that time  and  very  unfamiliar tools for the  new  recruited  staffs.
                 In  September  1984,  UT  was  ready  to  accept  the  first  students. This  could

           happen  due  to  the  help  of Universitas  Indonesia  (UI)  Computer  Center  that  lent
           mini  computer and  its software for registration and  students' data  storage .

           Concrete  Form  of Universitas  Terbuka

                The  legal  foundation  of UT  was  the  Decree  of President  No. 41  '1984, while

           the  regulation  used  was  the  higher education  regulation  of  Indonesia,  which  was
           not  written  specifically  for  distance  higher  education.  Therefore,  the  UT

           organization  structure  -which  was  not  in  the  Decree  of  President- had  to  be
           synchronized  with  the organizational  structure of conventional  university.

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