Page 33 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 33

After the  fixed  package  of courses  could  no  longer  be  employed  anymore  in
           the  following  semester  since  students  might  take  different  courses,  the

           registration,  education  fee  payment,  and  course  material  distribution  became
           very  complex  for UT. At  that  time, UT  was  still  lacking  of experiences  which  thus

           generated  various  constraints  in the  field  of student services.

           The  Opinion  of Decision  Maker about
           Universitas  Terbuka

                When  UT  was  officially  announced  in  State  Palace  by  President  Soeharto
           on  the  4 h  of  September  1984,  State  Television  Network  {TVRI)  broadcasted
           inaugural  lecture  of  Prof.  Sumitro  Djojohadikusumo.  At  that  time,  the  program
           could  be  seen  by  all attendants of this  ceremony.

                Maybe  an  image  was  built  that  UT  would  use  TV  broadcasting  as  the  main
           means of delivering the  courses.

                When  Indonesia  launched  the  first  satellite  Palapa,  one  of  the  reasons  of
           the  government  was  that  the  satellite  could  be  used  in  education  and

           telecommunication  as  well.  At  the  time, Hughes  Aircraft, which  sold  the  satellite,
           came  to  the  Minister  of  Education  to  make  a  kind  of  education  experiments  by

           means  of  the  satellite.  Maybe,  because  of  the  high  cost,  that  experiment  never
           happened  except in  the  planning  stage.

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