Page 36 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 36

workload,  there  was  no  available  staff to  follow  up  the  operation  plan  developed

             by AED. This  operation  plan  was  written  by  Dr.  Bahman  Vahidi,  the  former  Rector
             of  Open  University  of  Iran,  helped  by  Dr. Donald  Ely of  Syracuse  University.  This

             uncompleted  plan  was  finished  in  February,  1984  and  placed  in  the  UT  Library.
             Meanwhile  the  situation  was  quickly  developed,  offices  were  built  and  the  first
             batch  of students who  registered  at  UT  had  reached  50,000  students.

             Amount of Time  in  preparing  the  Opening  of
             Universitas  Terbuka

                  After  Prof.  Nugroho  Notosusanto  became  the  Minister  of  Education  in
             November  1983,  a  decree  of  the  Preparation  Committee  of  the  opening  of

             Universitas  Terbuka  was  founded.  Due  to  the  limited  time  of  preparation,  the

             first  opening  of  UT  was  not  in  similar  period  with  other  universities,  which  were
             in  June. The  opening  of UT was  extended  to  September  1984.

             Computer training to improve the  quality of human resources

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