Page 40 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 40

the  teaching  certificate  program,  (3)  011  in-service  elementary  teacher  training
             program,  (4)  accredited  certificate  program  for  junior  high  and  high  school

             teachers,  (5)  certificate  program  for teachers who  teach  similar subjects.
                  In  its  early  establishment,  1984-1985,  UT  had  opened  four  undergraduate

             (S1)  study  programs  which  were:  Economics  and  Development  Study,  Public
             Administration,  Business  Administration ,  and  Applied  Statistics  (Depdikbud,

             1985).  Those  who  were  interested  in  the  programs  reach  the  figure  of  260.000.
             But  because  of  various  limitations,  UT  only  accepted  54.035  students.  In

             addition,  in  the  second  year  of  its  opening,  (1985-1986)  UT  opened
             undergraduate  Education  Programs  which  were:  Physics  Education ,  Chemistry

             Education ,  Biology  Education,  English  Education  and  Diploma  (Oil}  Education
             programs  such  as  Mathematics  Education ,  Natural  Science  Education ,  English

             Education ,  Social  Science  Education  and  Pancasila  Education  (Five  Basic
             Principles  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia).  These  diploma  programs  were  further

             added  by  11  Diploma  II  programs  which  were  managed  together  with  Diploma
             Program  for  Junior  Secondary  School  teachers  from  Directorate  General  of

             Primary  and  Secondary  Education.  Beside  that,  Teaching  Certificate- VA  for
             lecturers  with  non-education  degrees  and  Teaching  Certificate-VB  for  lecturers

             with  education  degrees were  opened.
                At  the  beginning,  study  programs  managed  by  UT  were  Diploma  and

             undergraduate  (Sarjana)  programs.  However,  in  its  development,  UT  also  offers
             non-degree   certificate   programs   and   graduate   programs.  More     detail

             development  can  be  read  in  the  section  of the  development  of study  programs  in
             each  faculty in  the  attachment.

             Faculty of Economics (FEKON)

                  Since  its  establishment,  Faculty  of  Economics  has  two  departments:  (1)
             Economic  and  Development  Study  which  runs  undergraduate  Economics  and

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