Page 44 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 44

The  significant  development that  becomes  a milestone  in  the  history  of this

             faculty  occurred  in  1990  when  UT  was  appointed  to  run  the  Diploma  (DII)
             Program  for  Elementary  Classroom  Teachers  in  accordance  to  the  Minister  of

             Education's  decree  no.0854/4/1989  which  necessitates  all  elementary  school
             teachers  in  Indonesia  to  obtain  at  least  a  diploma  (DII).  A  year  later,  Diploma
             (DII)  Program  for  Elementary  School  Sports  Teachers  was  opened.  Because  of

             the  various  needs  to  improve  the  quality  of  teachers,  the  faculty  also  assign  to

             open  specially designed  or  tailor  made  program  which  fits  the  available  demand,
             for  example  the  Certificate  Program  for  SMP  Keci/  and  SMP  Terbuka  1   that
             consists  of  seven  programs  developed  in  1995  to  1997.  There  was  also

             Certificate Program  for Subject Matter Teachers  developed  in  1994-1998.

                   With  the  improvement  of  teacher's  qualifications  at  all  levels,  some  of  the
             certificate  and  diploma  programs  are  closed  gradually without impairing  student's
             progress,  and  some  undergraduate  (S1)  programs  are  offered  for  further

             qualification  improvements.  One  major  concerned  that  relates  to  this  was  when
             UT  was  permitted  to  open  an  undergraduate  (S1)  program  for  elementary  school

             teachers  as  pilot  project  in  2002 . This  is also  a significant accomplishment since
             there  were  only six  state  educational  institutions for  educators  that had  permitted

             to  open  similar  program.  In  2003,  two  undergraduate  (S1)  education  programs

             that  were  S1  Education  Economy  and  S1  Vocational  programs  was  opened  based
             on  legal  consent from  the  Directorate General  of Higher Education.
                   By  opening  and  closing  programs  incessantly  according  to  needs,  in  2006

             this  faculty  ran  nine  undergraduate  (S1)  education  programs,  one  teaching
             certificate  program,  and  three  diploma  (Dill}  education  programs . Unfortunately,

             until  2006,  the  faculty  had  not  been  able  to  open  a graduate  program,  although

              SMP Kecilliterally means junior high school with limited number of students approximately 30-40
             students, SMP Terbuka is junior high school for grown-up people who gave graduated from
             elementary school

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