Page 49 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 49

Certificate  program  (so-called  Akta  V)  consists  of  20  credit  units  in  addition  to
          the  160 credit units  of S1  program.

               Beside  content, other document showed  about  the  prerequisite for  choosing
          either  major  program  or  regular  program  for  undergraduate  students  as  well  as

          the  advantages  for  students  chosen  major  program .  Other  available  important
          document stated  the  syllabi  that consisted  of package  of courses, completed  with

          list  of  courses  and  their  code , credit  unit and  exam  hour  per  semester  for  each
          study program.  This  information  g~ve an  idea  about curriculum  structure.

               Course  grouping  done  at  that  time  was  in  line  with  the  national  regulation ,
          which  supposed  to  last until  2001 , consisting  of:

          •  General  Basic  Courses  (MKDU)
          •   Basic Skill  Courses  (MKDK)

          •  Applied  Skill  Courses  (MKK)
          •   Courses  for  Teaching  and  Learning  Process  (MKPBM) ,  especially  for  the

             Faculty of Teacher Training
          •   Optional  Courses .

          •   Written  Comprehension  Exam  (UKT)

          1990-1995 period
               The  year  1990  was  a historical  moment  for  UT  because  at  that  moment  the

          diploma  Dll  program  for  elementary  school  teachers  was  opened  which  later
          becomes  a  program  with  the  largest  number  of  students.  The  curriculum  was

          supposed  to  be  developed  as  in-service  program  as  enrichment  from  pre-service
          program  for  elementary  teachers.  Because  both  programs  were  developed  at  the

          same  time  so  that curriculum  could  be  developed  iteratively. One  of the  important
          characteristics  for  the  in-service  program  was  that  teaching  experiences  were
          considered  as  credit  earnings.  Teaching  experiences  acknowledged  were

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