Page 52 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 52

curriculum  and  then  UT  began  to  revise  each  curriculum  accordingly.  Major

              revision  was  finally  accomplished  in  2003.  Factually,  one  of  the  changes  was  in
             the  clustering  of  courses .  Accordingly,  the  clustering  of  courses  was  based  on

             four  pillars  of UNESCO  as  stated  in  the  Minister  of  National  Educational  Decree
              no.232/2000  as  follows.
              •   Courses  in  Personality Development (MPK)

              •   Courses  in  Knowledge  and  Skill  (MKK)
              •   Courses  in  Working  Skills  (MKB)
              •   Courses  in Work  Attitude  (MPB)
             •   Courses  in Social  life (MBB).

              •   Written Comprehensive  Exam  (UKT)

                   This  clustering  was  really  not  considered  appropriate  because  in  principle

             all  courses  should  contribute to  the  development of personality  and  ability  to  live
             together  socially. However, this  clustering  was  still  used  until  2006.  Apart  from

             it,  FKIP  had  changed  their  clustering  system.  In  2004  there  was  another  major
             change  in  the  curriculum  in  wh ich  the  comprehensive  fina l  exams  (UKT)  was

             changed  into  final  project  (TAP).  This  basic  change  requ ired  students  to  do  the
             project under  supervision  as  well  as  to  sit final  exam, so  that they  should  be  able

             to  analyze  and  develop  various  alternative  solutions  in  various  problem  solving
             cases  in  each  field .  Then  in  2006,  FKIP  applied  the  competency-based

             curriculum  by  clustering  courses  that  fit  each  supporting  competencies  wh ich
             were  as  follows.
             •   Courses  in  Personality and  Professionalism  (MKPP)

             •   Courses  of Basic Knowledge  (MKBI)
             •  Courses  in  Education  and  Teacher Train ing  (MKK)
             •   Final  Project {TAP)

                   In  2004-2005  curriculum  reanalysis was  done  for  all  study  programs. In  line

             with  this  process,  documents  concern ing  the  curriculum  in  each  study  program

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