Page 55 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 55

programs  offered. The  more  the  study  programs, the  more  will  be  the  number  of

                At  the  beginning  of  its  establishment,  UT  offered  four  undergraduate  study
           programs  of  three  faculties . For  undergraduate  program  with  credit  unit  loads  of

           144-160 credits,  the  number  of courses  was  between  50  to  60.  If it was  assumed
           that  credit  unit  load  of  one  course  was  from  2-4  credits,  mathematically,  the

           number  of  courses  for  four  undergraduate   programs  was  around  200-240.
           However,  in  fact,  certain  courses  especially  the  MKDU  cluster  were  similar  to

           almost  all  study  programs  so  that  the  university  only  provided  a  set  of  MKDU
           cluster  courses  for  all  study  programs.  Those  conditions  also  applied  for  some

           basic  skill  courses  (MKDK)  cluster. Also, courses  from  different  levels  but  in the
           same  academic  discipline  would  overlap.  For  example,  some  of  the  courses  in

           undergraduate  program  for  elementary  school  teachers  were  also  taken  by
           students  of  diploma  Oil  program  for  elementary  school  teachers.  This  would
           reduce  the  number  of courses.  In  addition,  there  were  efforts  to  rationalize  the

           number  of  courses  in  order  to  increase  efficiency  and  effectiveness  in  term  of

           cost.  The  UT  has  also  encouraged  the  use  of  more  and  more  courses  by  more
           than  one  study  programs. These  efforts have  been  made  since  2001 , and  in  2004
           ~s a  result,  eight  courses  were  developed  together  and  used  by  various  study

           programs  either in  the  same  or  different  faculties  (Universitas  Terbuka , 2005  b) .

           The  development  of  courses  in  study  programs  from  every  faculty  from  1991  to
           2006  is  shown  in  Table  12  to  Table  15.
                From  the  above  explanation  and  tables  as  shown , it  can  be  concluded  that

           the  variety  and  number  of  courses  of  each  study  program  always  expand .  This

           condition  has  been  caused  by  some  factors ,  such  as  policies  at  the  national
           level ,  university  and  faculty  levels,  market  demand,  and  also  because  of  the
           natural  progress  of  the  knowledge  itself.  This  fact  ind icates  that  in  the  future ,

           courses  will  keep  changing  and  expanding  in  terms  of  variety  and  number.  This

   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60