Page 59 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 59

Development  of  Learning

            and  Supplementary


            DEWI  P ADMO ,  D E W I  MUT IARA ,  AND  SRI  K URNIATI


                 As  a  distance  education  institution  which  acknowledges  the  importance  of
            media  as  the  vehicle  for  transferring  knowledge  from  teachers  to  learners ,

            Universitas  Terbuka  (UT)  continues  to  develop  various  kinds  of media  which  can
           function  as  reliable  and  proper  vehicles .  In  reality,  the  effort  is  not

           straightforward  due  to  some  constraints  in  the  development  process  and  media
           utilization  of course  materials.  However, the  constraints  should  not  cause  UT  to

           be  discouraged  in  giving  the  best  for  its  students  and  the  community.  This  is
           because  UT  is  aware  that  media  is  very  vital  component  in  the  delivery  of

           distance education .

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