Page 61 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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made  them  deliverable.  To  enhance  the  process  of course  material  development,
           UT  has  been  helped  by  experts  and  lecturers  from  various  state  universities,

           such  as  Universitas  Indonesia  (U/),  Universitas  Gajah  Mada  (UGM) ,  lnstitut
           Pertanian  Bogar  (IPB) ,  lnstitut  Teknologi  Bandung  (ITB) ,  Universitas  Airlangga

           (UNAIR),  Universitas  Padjajaran  (UNPAD) ,  Universitas  Hasanudin  (UNHAS) ,
           Universitas  Diponegoro  (UNDIP) ,  Universitas  Negeri  Jakarta  (UNJ),  Universitas

           Pendidikan  Indonesia  (UP/),  etc. Editors  are  UT  academic  staffs  assigned  to  put
           the  materials  together  in  certain  formats  and  prepare  them  for  printing  and


                                                       By  using  content  experts  from  well-
            NO.      FACULTY         TOTAL
                                                  known  universities  in  Indonesia  as  course
             1.        FKIP           639
                                                 writers,  UT  course  materials  are  ensured
             2.       FMIPA           207
             3.        FISIP          337         of  its  high  academic  quality.  Almost  97%
             4.       FEKON           107        of  UT  course  materials  are  written  by
                      Tot a I        1288         experts  from   other  universities.  The
          Source:  PPBAC,  2004
                                                 following  table  shows  the  distribution  of
           course  writers  in  the  four  faculties  at  UT.  The  Modules  eventually,  are  not  only

           used  by  UT  students, but  also  by  students  from  other universities, both  state  and
           private  universities,  especially  in  the  eastern  part  of  Indonesia .  This  fact  has

           been  a pride for  UT.
                 The  developments  of  printed  course  materials  by  using  Writer-Editor

           approach  still  carry  on .  But  there  were  times  when  UT  tried  to  use  other
           approaches  in  developing  course  materials.  In  1999, with  the  financial  help  from

           0/KT/,  UT  developed  course  materials  by  using  Course  Development  Team
           approach,  involving  a  number  of  experts  in  materials  design,  media ,  and

           instructional  design. This  approach  was  difficult  to  be  implemented, as  the  more
           personnel  involved,  the  harder  it  was  to  coordinate  them.  But  this  full  team

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