Page 65 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 65

Dummy preparation by PPBAC staff/ Team

           Illustration  was  made  manually,  using  pencil,  ruler,  eraser,  typewriter,  and
           brushes.  As  the  illustrations  were  made  manually,  there  were  not  integrated  in

           the  layout; instead , there  were  put  in  separate  pages  attached  to  the  master. For

           mathematics course  modules,  the  formula  and  symbols  were  also  done manually.

                From  1987-1988,  the  production  process  and  presentation  were  improving

           slightly.  To  improve  quality,  in  1987  a  type  setting  machine  (Linokey  100)  was

           used. This  machine  produced  high  quality  type  sets,  but  the  process  took  longer
           because  the  layout  was  done  manually.  This  machine  was  used  only  for  a short
           time  because  of difficulty in  getting  spare  parts and  maintenance. For illustration,

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