Page 67 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 67

Microsoft  Word  Version  2  for  typing  (including  mathematics  modules),  and  the
           layout  was  done  by  Page  Maker  Version  4,  and  then  Version  6.  CoreiDraw  was

           used  to  make  illustration.  The  process  and  management  of  learning  materials
           became  easier  with  the  advancement  of  computer  technology  and  network

           system.  It  enable  the  integration  of all  computers  in  to  a network  to  process  the
           master  print  of  course  materials.  For  that  purpose,  server  ACER  ALTOS  7000

           was  used.  With  this  system ,  the  use  of  computers  became  more  efficient.  In
           addition,  accessibility  and  documentation  were  easier,  more  organized  and

                From  2000-2006,  there  were  some  changes  in  the  use  of  hardware  and
           software.  Computers  used  for  typing  and  layout  were  Pentium  Ill,  and  for

           illustrations  computers  Pentium  IV  were  used.  During  this  period,  the  master

           copy  for  printing  was  done  by  Microsoft  Word.  The  presentation,  including  cover
           and  layout and  color, matches the  color for each  faculty.

          Module 's  cover of  2003 - 2 006 Period:  Sample

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